Feb 4 Feb 4 10 articles you should read and share this Sunday about human rights and the environment Maria Mayr
Feb 3 Feb 3 'We're not seeking a wider war'... but we're bombing 3 countries repeatedly and increasing those bombardments as revenge. Okay, US officials, sure Maria Mayr
Feb 2 Feb 2 The RSF must be cut off from their arms supplier, the UAE. Demand sanctions and a complete arms embargo Maria Mayr
Feb 1 Feb 1 The US military is entering the mineral extraction business which defines their colonial agenda Maria Mayr
Jan 31 Jan 31 The Democrats and Republicans are spiraling out of control. Drop your party affiliation because it is going to get worse from here on out. Maria Mayr
Jan 30 Jan 30 No one is going to sanction Israel. We have to dismantle the system together. Stop everything Maria Mayr
Jan 29 Jan 29 Jordan has been bombing Syria for months and now 3 US soldiers are killed in response. Will the US use this as justification for war? Maria Mayr
Jan 28 Jan 28 Don't listen to the fear in your ear, raise your voice and support what you are passionate about Maria Mayr
Jan 27 Jan 27 Biden sells out his immigration policies in order to pass aid to Israel and shut down the US border Maria Mayr
Jan 26 Jan 26 Another ineffective international organization- the ICJ does not call for a ceasefire Maria Mayr
Jan 24 Jan 24 When green energy is not always so green... the massive impacts on fragile environments and Indigenous communities Maria Mayr
Jan 23 Jan 23 Things won't change unless WE make it happen. Vote to end the broken two-party system Maria Mayr
Jan 23 Jan 23 Have you considered rewilding your yard? This is a step we can all take to help our local ecosystems Maria Mayr
Jan 19 Jan 19 For women: Sharing my own personal experiences with IUDs, miscarriage, c-sections, and my first mammogram Maria Mayr