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Part One: The Republican Party Platform Breakdown


Stop, please this has got to be an absolute joke with starting the entire Platform with a dedication to “the forgotten men and women.” To many, that would be referencing minorities, disabled people, homeless people, and asylum seekers. However that is not what the GOP is intending and what they are intending with this dedication is to role reverse their largely white voter base as those who are the ones forgotten and not the ones that the government caters to and legislates for.

Stop! There’s no way that the GOP is claiming that the US has “vanquished Nazism and Fascism”. Way to rewrite history there so they don’t out themselves as nazis and fascists. They want their voters to think that the US has no nazism or fascism but they are in fact the nazis and fascists. Republican voters don’t question their leaders so this will just seep in and be fully believed.

Our nation is in serious decline. OMG I agree! Our environment is on the decline because of pollution from corporations that buy GOP politicians to loosen restrictions and decimate nature for profit.

As much as the Republicans want to try to state that they have a harsher border policy then the Dems, it’s a lie unless they close the borders because the Biden administration has gone harsher then previous Republican presidents on immigration laws. Just as the Dems try to differentiate from the GOP, the GOP is trying here to differentiate themselves from the Dems but it is difficult because they are so similar.

Chapters 1-9 Economy

Pretty much the entire Republican platform revolves around their economic policies and how to increase profits and deregulate. This is how the GOP looks at everything, from the perspective of profitability and cost so that makes sense the platform is all about money. The structure of organization is haphazard like someone in a mind altered state put together the breakdown of policies into these chapters because really it could have been four chapters all together with the largest being the economy but they chose to break it down into different segments and did not transition one economic policy into the other.

Chapter One Defeat Inflation, and Quickly Bring Down Prices

  • Increasing oil production

    • Oil production is already being produced at a higher volume than previously, but somehow this will help reduce inflation because it clearly is helping right now.

  • Cut federal spending

    • The issue with cutting federal spending is that this directly impact the communities that need it the most. If federal spending were cut for the military, then this would not be a problem and actually benefit Americans. However, the Republicans would never cut military spending and will cut the programs that actually provide assistance.

  • Cut regulations

    • As seen in the recent deaths due to tainted Boar’s Head meet, this is what occurs when regulations are cut.

    • Pollution is also increased tremendously when regulations are cut.

    • Regulations are a necessity to keep Americans safe, and without them, it puts Americans and our land at great risk.

  • Ban immigration

    • How does banning immigration help bring down prices? If anything it would bring up prices.

    • Closing the borders will have an impact on trade and increasing border agents will add an extreme cost, so this does not equate with the GOP’s goal. They say they want to cut down on regulations but their border policy increases regulations and wasteful spending. They are proposing two contrasting perspectives under their main policy of fighting inflation which none of this does. Adding border agents adds to tax payer costs and does nothing to alleviate inflation. Now, streamlining ICE and Border Patrols would definitely help take the burden off of tax payers, but that is not what the GOP wants, they want increase in immigration officers even though that directly opposes what they are proposing with reducing wasteful spending and adding tremendous amounts of regulations for those seeking asylum.

  • Restore peace through strength.

    • Restoring peace is a very ambiguous statement to platform on, and so is the means to restore peace through “Strength”. To me, this implies an increased in military response. Again, this does not assist in inflation because the more the military is utilized as the response, and wars increase, the economy for the average American is impacted with higher costs. The only people to benefit are the companies that profit from war.

Chapter Two Seal the Border and Stop Migrant Invasion

  • Secure the border

    • There are huge walls that the Biden administration put up, more border agents, and harsh laws that permit very few into the US already. What more do the Republicans want?

    • They have to sound as tough as possible on immigration because the Democrats have also attacked immigration policies and now it is a show down between the two parties on who can be harsher toward asylum seekers, immigrants, and migrants.

  • Enforce immigration laws

    • Laws are enforced so this is a moot point to make it appear that there is lawlessness occurring. Cities and states are allowed to write their own laws. Here is where the Republicans differ from their own principle of giving power back to the states and local governments.

  • Deport everyone

    • If a toe is out of line, out you go. Republicans will get to determine the line and who will get to stay and who will get to go.

  • Let no one in

    • Immigration is already at a standstill and near impossible to achieve through legal means but the Republicans want to ban it all together.

    • Many industries will collapse that no longer have employees to fill the roles that immigrants fill today.

  • Ban sanctuary cities

    • Republicans are picking and choosing what power should go to state and local governments and what cannot. Apparently abortion can be decided by states, but immigration laws cannot. Why is that? Where is the reasoning that a state and a local government cannot choose to provide work and housing for asylum seekers but then the state can dictate whether a person lives or dies due to pregnancy?

  • Put American workers first

    • This is another section the Republican place in their platform repeatedly.

    • American workers are promoted. Are Republicans implying that Americans lose out on work that immigrants take from them? This is not the case at all.

Chapter Three Build the Greatest Economy

  • Cutting regulations

    • Already stated.

    • This is a filler policy point that puts Americans and the environment at risk for exploitation. Most of the GOP’s economic platform requires the exploitation and destruction of the environment so that the economy can flourish. AI requires an inordinate amount of energy and water. They are only looking at the quick return and not on the lasting impact these policies have on ecosystems. There is no forward thinking from the Republican Party. They want the immediate gratification without looking at the permanent damage that is done to nature in order to achieve these goals.

  • Cutting taxes

    • For whom? The ultra-wealthy?

  • Prioritizing American made companies

  • Low cost energy

    • Increasing oil production as a means to helping the economy is spun as a way to make energy cheap for consumers which it is not currently taking place so increasing production more will not help consumers but it will increase the profits of oil companies who are the donors to the GOP.

  • Championing innovation

    • Apparently the GOP wants to promote AI and crypto, both of which require tremendous amounts of water and energy to run.

    • These areas do not create anything meaningful, and it is sad that areas like scientific innovation is not supported. It must be virtual or the Republicans don’t find it innovative.

Chapter Four Bring Back The American Dream…

  • Affordable housing

    • Republicans think they can reduce inflation which will then reduce mortgage rates. What about renters and inflated rent? Will apartments magically reduce their rents when inflation drops? They won’t and there needs to be legislation in place that holds rent in check because no one can live or save with these astronomical prices they charge renters.

    • Republicans also plan to open up federal land for housing developments, and presumably businesses as well. Land needs to be preserved and not destroyed in order to save the economy. There are millions of empty homes and businesses that could be habitable. Using these homes and businesses would create jobs and significantly much greener than further destruction of the environment for man’s greed. Not only this, but these homes and businesses are much more likely to be in cities which are in need of housing making it easier to find a job or transition to another job and reduces our impact on the environment by not expanding further into untouched land.

  • Accessible higher education

    • What even is this policy?

    • The GOP wants to create alternatives to a four-year college degree. Wouldn’t that be an AA? There’s already a degree in place and they would like to create another degree that is not necessary because what they are describing is already in existence, so why not support AA degrees?

    • What the GOP should do is write legislation rewarding companies that hire people with AA’s.

  • Affordable healthcare

    • If there is increase in competition, then costs will go down, or at least that is what the GOP hopes. That is not always the case though because the other competitors could simply choose to keep the higher price because they could make a large profit. There needs to be caps, which would require regulations. Companies might offer a minor discount but it is not enough to change the price unless there is significant competition, and that is near impossible in the pharmaceutical industry.

    • What really needs to happen is that medical costs and even procedures should be investigated by the federal government and explained by the companies and medical facilities as to why they are charging such bloated prices. If it is found to be price gouging, then the company should be fined and that money reimbursed to patients.

  • Lowering everyday costs

    • The most ambiguous plan to lower costs is provided in that the Republican promise to “promote economic policies” that will reduce costs.

    • What policies? Who are they directed at? What industry?

    • This is some bare bones approach because the Republicans have trained their voters to not ask questions and accept their non-plan of a plan.

Chapter Five Protecting American Workers and Farmers from Unfair Trade

  • Rebalance trade

    • In other words, raise tariffs.

    • If tariffs are raised on critical goods, or across many sectors, countries will not want to trade with the US. It also means that other countries will increase tariffs on US-made goods so exports will struggle.

    • It also does nothing for competition which previously the Republicans said was needed to bring costs down. Which is it?

  • Secure strategic independence from China.

    • To remove the dependence on Chinese goods, the GOP wants to support American companies. This has been a promise for decades. Maybe trade is good? Again, the Republicans have said that competition is necessary to reduce costs, so why can’t it include China if it helps Americans save money?

    • They also want to ban China from buying real estate and businesses. All countries should be banned from purchasing US real estate and companies, which leads to higher prices. China should not be singled out because there are other countries too. But this still does not address the problem of US companies purchasing up real estate and then driving up prices. We needs laws protecting American homebuyers from companies driving up prices and removing what houses are available to Americans.

  • Save US car companies

    • What? This has already happened and they have had their bailouts. There are already tariffs in place to combat Chinese cars in the US, which is unfortunate for Americans because that raises the prices of new cars and especially EV’s.

  • Bring home critical supply chains

    • This was already stated earlier. In order to do this, the US has to reinvigorate the US farming industry which is faltering from climate change.

    • The other downside to this means an overall increase in pollution which would continue to drive climate change and impact already struggling farmers even more. An increase in manufacturing means an increase in emissions, energy use, and other forms of pollution.

  • Buy American and hire American

    • This is yet another old promise from the GOP that they make every year. There are many programs that support American-made products in place.

    • As for hiring Americans, this is a non-issue and one of the tactics that the ultraconservatives employ to scare voters into voting for them. If Republicans want companies to not outsource to other countries, or move companies out of the US, then offer tax incentives. Banning companies from this practice will only drive companies to move entirely out of the US.

  • Become manufacturing superpower

    • Pollution, pollution, pollution.

    • Ramping up manufacturing is not the way to protect American workers because manufacturing also puts workers at risk with the chemical processes used and materials.

    • It’s a quick way to make money but it has a lasting and deadly impact.

Chapter Six Protect Seniors

  • Protect Social Security

    • Republicans are blaming Democrats for raiding Social Security when they are just as guilty with utilizing funds for things like immigration or funding Israel’s genocide.

  • Strengthen Medicare

    • The only way to strengthen Medicare is making Medicare for All a reality.

    • Republicans want to block asylum seekers and immigrants from accessing Medicare. That is all they want to do in order to “strengthen Medicare”.

    • There is no consideration for the human rights and the need for healthcare access for everyone in the US. The Republicans pose everything as an “us against them” theme in order to keep their voters scared and angry.

  • Support active and healthy living

    • To have a healthy lifestyle, you need a healthy environment first, and all of the policies the GOP are presenting completely erode what is left of our ecosystems.

    • It can’t be the Republicans who are stating that they are going to support Chronic Disease prevention when they failed Covid support and prevention horribly.

  • Protect care for the elderly

    • This sounds like something from the left, what a shocking proposal.

    • Republicans plan to offer resources for senior’s care, incentives for caregivers working with seniors, and provide tax credits for family that are caregivers for seniors.

    • These are all policies that the Democrats would also support and this is where everyone can work together to pass meaningful legislation.

  • Protect economic foundations for supporting seniors

    • They wrote everything that can be unleashed for seniors. This is just a reiteration of many of their previous points to elongate their platform. It is basically everything in Chapter One again in this section.

    • The Republicans love to pit groups against asylum seekers and immigrants like they will steal their money. This does nothing but increase the hatred toward people who are looking for a better life and work in the US and not wanting to take money away from seniors. The job of protecting seniors money is up to the legislators and not immigrants.

Chapter Seven Cultivate Great K-12 Schools…

  • Great principals and teachers

    • We have them in schools right now. Let them teach without legislators, who do not know how to teach, stay out of the classroom.

    • Republicans went right to parental rights in this section and not supporting principals and teachers. Educators need increases in pay and funding in schools. That is the type of support that they need, not the GOP’s plan to support tenure which is a practice that is already in place and allows awful educators to stay employed.

  • Universal school choice

    • Does this mean that the GOP plans to fund private schools? What is this policy even?

    • If so, that is a huge overstep and a breach of church and state separation. That is also a huge burden on taxpayers when these schools are already privately funded.

  • Prepare students for jobs and careers

    • This is written in a way so the GOP can attack educational programs and fund their own ultraconservative programs. It sounds like a beneficial program for students but they want to “expose politicized education models” and replace them with their own programs like Prager U. Legislators do not know the practices and models that work best with children and to force teachers to have to teach their way, and not what is best suited for students, will drive teachers to exit teaching.

  • Safe, secure, and drug-free schools

    • The only plan Republican provide is to support schools in their suspension process for violent students. Schools already have these policies in place and can suspend a student if they are violent.

    • What is needed is banning guns but the Republicans are funded by the gun lobby and openly support gun ownership. Students need to not be terrified that a shooting will occur on campus. This is how you keep students safe, remove all guns, otherwise nothing will change.

  • Restore parental rights

    • Parents have rights and so do their children. Children’s rights are just as important as parent’s rights. One should not trump the other and the Republicans are saying here that they want parent’s rights to outweigh their children’s rights. This puts children that have unsafe homes at risk of violence or worse from parents over a child’s preferred pronouns, a child’s sexual orientation, or children that are interested in transitioning.

  • Removal of CRT education and Gender Studies

    • This is the case where non-educators are trying to criticize how and what teachers teach because they think these two areas of study attack Republicans. It’s clear that these studies are a threat to the ultraconservatives which is why they want them eliminated. What is next? What will the next threat to the Republicans will be eliminated from studying if they are allowed to shut these to schools of thought down?

    • This is yet again another instance where the GOP paints the picture of a scary boogeyman that needs to be vanquished when there is no boogeyman in existence. They fear monger their voters so they become angry and attack what the GOP wants them to attack and not what they should attack like rights and knowledge being lost.

  • Promote citizenship in schools

    • Children will either feel a connection to the US or they will not but making schools sing songs or hold patriotic events won’t do much because children are smart and realize the conditions they live in is due to government’s choices.

    • If you want children to be more patriotic, offer more support for children and give them the freedom to decide if they want to be patriotic or not.

    • This feels very Nazi Germany.

  • Freedom to pray

    • Once again the Republicans overstep the separation between church and state. If they want to allow prayer, they have to allow all forms of prayer. Christianity is what the GOP are trying to force in schools and not all religions. Even if all religions were permitted to pray, but that is not what Republicans are proposing, it still isolates and alienates atheists and nonspiritual people unfairly.

  • Return education system to the states

    • The states do control their own educational systems. Republicans want to wipe out federal oversight of schools. There would then be the removal of federal funds that would follow and this would negatively affect all schools, teachers, students, and families across the country. This would be the worst idea for schools because they need funding and they need oversight. If a school is failing, the federal government can step in to provide support and goals for the school to getting test scores up and students needs met.

    • It’s alarming what would happen to schools without another party making sure that students are in safe environments, they are retaining information, that teachers are not overworked or lacking skills, and that administrators are doing their job.

    • Republicans want to be “cherished” and “protected” but telling teachers how to teach, force praying in school, and making students unsafe because they want parents to have more rights than the children, does nothing to show teachers that they are protected or cherished.

Chapter Eight Bring Common Sense to the Government…

  • Empower American families

    • These are all the ultraconservative’s ideals that they support but the majority of Americans live wonderfully diverse lifestyles and family structures that work for them. Imposing these ideals on those who don’t support strict, religious lifestyles does nothing but reinforce that those religious principles are restrictive and inhumane.

    • It is better to be open to all family structures because then families needs can be met then promoting a family structure that is centered on heterosexuality with a two-parent household because that is not the makeup of this country. Help everyone and not just the small subsection of households that the Republicans are offering in their plan. This policy will harm families and most importantly children.

    • How does this ambiguous policy bring common sense to the government? Using this policy as a point to support common sense in government lacks common sense and critical thinking.

  • Rebuild our cities and restore law and order

    • More cops! This means we are paying more money into police forces that have already been increased under the Democrats.

    • This is the case of the Republicans having to outdo the Democrats to differentiate themselves.

  • Make Washington D.C. the safest city

    • Only D.C. gets to be the safe city in the US.

    • All this means is the Republicans will hire more police for D.C. even though it was Republicans who attacked them on January 6th.

    • Notice there is no offer of programs to combat the actual issues that create crime like poverty and homelessness. Republicans could create programs in D.C. for communities so that people do not need to turn to crime, but they would rather spend that money on police. The cycle will perpetuate itself and worsen because living conditions will not improve.

  • Take care of veterans

    • If Republicans wanted to take care of veterans they would be, but this is another example of a campaign promise they continually make but never act on.

    • Veterans need healthcare, access to mental health professionals, and housing, but Republicans never want to fit the bill for these needed programs.

    • Instead, the GOP blames immigrants for taking the funding but the reality is the funding is going to afford the wars in other countries like the US’ unwavering support of Israel’s genocide costing billions and billions of taxpayer dollars that could go to veterans, seniors, and schools.

  • Make college affordable

    • Privatized universities are not affordable. State colleges are much more affordable and they should be prioritized over private universities.

    • If Republicans want to bring the overall cost of college down, then they are going to have to subsidize and offer colleges more funding. This is not what they are proposing. What they are proposing has nothing to do with affordability and everything to do with attacking the left, which does nothing to bring common sense to the government.

  • Combat antisemitism

    • If you do not support Israel, and are in the US under a visa, then the Republicans will kick you out of the US and label you a jihadist.

    • This is the common sense the Republicans are speaking of?

    • What is sad is that the Democrats would quietly support this policy.

  • Restore American beauty

    • Can’t support the splendor and majesty of the American wilderness if you are actively destroying it for profit.

    • That common sense is clearly broken if the Republicans are going to state that they will help with conservation and then open up federal lands for building and increase oil production.

    • There are mines that are planned in the Grand Canyon, and there is no way the Republicans would stop these mines even though it will destroy a national treasure and the beauty of the Grand Canyon on top of harming humans and wildlife.

  • Honor American history

    • Honor American history by teaching the way the Republicans want history to be taught which is to lie and remove all aspects that hold perpetrators of war crimes and human rights abuses that did take place in history and within the US government. The US can do no wrong in the Republicans eyes. That is not truthful or honest to teach children that the government is always correct.

Chapter Nine Government of, By, and For the People

  • Stop woke government

    • What is woke? Will everything be labeled woke so the ultraconservatives can attack it under this banner?

    • This policy threatens anyone that might do anything different than what is perceived as a norm to the Republicans and this cannot be policed. These are people’s way of life whether it be sexual orientation, gender, how they dress, or their support for human rights.

  • Ban censorship and support free speech

    • Then why silence the student protesters? If the Republicans support free speech then why did they sign the resolutions and create the resolutions to silence and attack students protesting for human rights?

    • Republicans do not support free speech. They only support free speech when it is their speech and not of people standing up for humanity and human rights.

    • It sounds like a grand thing to stay but the actuality behind what they mean is deceitful and deceiving.

  • Defend religious liberty

    • Again, only the religious liberty of Christians and not religious liberty to all religions and non-religious.

    • This policy is set up for protection of Christian values and nothing more.

  • Protect the states abortion laws

    • Which means that women, girls, and pregnant people will suffer and die because of this legislation.

    • The decision to end a pregnancy should be between the pregnant person and a healthcare professional and not the legislator.

    • People are bleeding out and suffering from permanent damage to their reproductive system.

    • This is all about control of women and girls to oppress and control them and keep women and girls in abusive situations. The result will be the death of many pregnant people at the hands of the Republicans.

    • Republicans can say they refuse vaccines and it is their body and their choice, but when it comes to actual choice of the body, they dictate it for pregnant people.

    • This is a deadly policy that abuses human rights of pregnant people.

  • End leftists gender “insanity”

    • Republicans intend on banning transitioning which puts Americans in grave jeopardy who do seek to transition.

    • A person that transitions does not threaten anything of another person. Let that person make their own choices because those choices are not a threat. If a person harms another person, that is a threat. Transitioning poses no threat, so let people make their decisions with a healthcare professional that works for them in a safe environment.

    • This is a deadly policy that abuses human rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Ensure election integrity

    • Republicans will require ID and not permit undocumented non-citizen from voting.

    • This is a non-issue and is the way of the Republican Party to constantly attack and paint undocumented people as trying to usurp rights when these people don’t do these things and there is no proof that they have. It is fear mongering Republican voters.

  • Protect American territories

    • This is already taking place. US territories are protected.

    • They should be liberated from the US and able to create their own governments as they have no say in the US and no representation.

    • Republicans are claiming here that they will offer more participation, but what does that mean and what does that look like? This is very vague and offers no actual representation to US territories.

Chapter Ten Return to Peace through Strength

  • National interest

    • What is this policy even???

    • Republicans want foreign policy to be centered on the flag????

    • How can this party be taken seriously with an agenda like this????

    • This is some unhinged and odd talking points that should make voters very alarmed that there is an entire party putting a platform that wants US foreign policy to revolve around our flag.

  • Modernize military

    • More weapons and more money to the military industry who are already wealthy. Members of congress also make money off of stocks for these military companies.

    • What do we need weapons for? Why not put that money into programs for seniors, schools, and veterans?

    • If Republican voters want to know where their taxpayer dollars are going to, it is right here and not to asylum seekers.

  • Strengthen alliances

    • All countries must agree with the US or they will be labeled as an enemy.

    • Sorry but standing with Israel does not equate to peace in the Middle East.

  • Strengthen economic, military, and diplomatic capabilities

    • What they really mean is that the US will attack any country that does not agree with US policy.

  • Defend American borders

    • US borders are not being invaded and therefore do not need defending. There are people who are looking for a better life and safety, but that is not an invasion but a hyperbolic statement meant to scare Republican voters.

    • Manipulating words to make it appear as though asylum seekers, immigrants, and migrants are a threat to Americans has been the deceitful tactic of the GOP for years now. These people who seek to find safety and work in the US just want to find a place for a better life because their home is under threat whether it be from climate change or violence. They are not a threat to Americans and help bolster the economy through working and paying taxes.

  • Revive industrial base

    • This policy was already state under the “Modernize military” section. Stating this twice just means the GOP has to fill in their platform through repetition.

    • Why? This is a HUGE waste of money that could be spent on schools, seniors, and veterans that need money for their programs.

    • THIS is what takes money away from areas that need it when all that increasing the industrial base does it provide jobs, but it also provides money to the already wealthy military industry.

    • If the US does increase their industrial base, this will motivate other countries to also ramp up military production and create even greater uncertainty in the world. Other countries will be threatened and feel the need to beef up their weapons to combat the US.

  • Protect critical infrastructure

    • Combating cyber attacks is a huge issue that the US does have to address.

    • How do they plan on tackling the problem of cyber attacks? Hire more police?

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It's not been easy reading the party platforms...