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Put down the herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and rodenticides.

We can all do small things to help the environment, and one way we can all make a massive change is to stop purchasing and using herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and rodenticides. These chemicals are leaching into ground water, drenching crops in chemicals that we then consume, which causes harm to health of humans and takes a significant toll on the environment. Even this seemingly small change has a significant impact.

We can each make a huge difference if we stop buying and using these extremely harmful chemicals.

Why should you put down the herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, and rodenticides? Studies show that children exposed to herbicides are correlated to increased liver inflammation and metabolic disorders presenting in their younger adult years. Other studies have found cancer, birth defects, and hormonal imbalanced linked to weed sprays. Rodenticides kill many animals and people each year. These are poisonings that are avoidable if we do not purchase and use these toxins that end up hurting many other animals and humans beyond the intended rodent.

For more articles related to the toxicity for humans, animals, and the environment:

Not using these chemicals requires humans to use other means to deter insects, bugs, pests, and invasive weeds. The simple answer has been to “just use a spray and kill,” but what is happening is that spray is killing much more than its intended use. Below are some solutions for everyone to use instead of chemicals. If we are all refraining from using these poisons, then every bit of this planet benefits. The rise in cancer rates alone should motivate everyone to stop utilizing insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, and rodenticides. These chemicals don’t just affect humans, though, they are affecting everything.

How can I manage my weeds in my yard?

  • Instead of herbicides, pull the weeds (get the root out).

  • Pay a service, or hire a neighbor/friend to remove weeds from your yard.

What can I do to reduce insects in my house?

  • Plug the holes that they enter (calking).

  • Fix window screens that might be broken or damaged.

  • Vacuum regularly and wash floors regularly.

  • Wash with soap and vinegar any ant trails.

What can I use instead of insecticides and pesticides?

  • Diatomaceous earth

  • Pyrethrins

  • Plants (dependent on the insect, there are plants that repel many insects)

  • Birds (your natural ally which needs a space that is bird-friendly)

If I have a rodent problem, what is a natural option?

  • Find a humane trap at your local hardware store that entraps the rodent so you can release it humanely.

  • Seal gaps in air vents and holes they can enter your house through.

  • Don’t leave pet food outside which attracts them.

  • Keep your lights off on your property to attract birds of prey.

What can we do as a community?

  • Demand changes to how our food is grown and remove all toxic chemicals from all farms and food products.

  • Buy organic. The more that support organic, the greater change there will be to chemicals on our farms and food production.

  • Share the information with neighbors and offer your assistance.

  • Talk with your HOA and parks about their herbicide use and ask them to stop spreading these deadly chemicals.

We all have to make changes to ensure a healthy future for our planet, and that includes myself. I have never used herbicides or rodenticides on my property. In the past I have used pesticides and insecticides, but I will not ever use them again and haven’t for several years now. The lights stay off outside my house so that birds can have a dark space to hunt, and the birds of prey do prefer my house as I often hear the owls, hawks, and sometimes eagles on my roof.

Let’s all put the herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and rodenticides down permanently and work with nature, not against it.

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