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9 Ideas To Have a Sustainable Christmas

Please take a look at my previous post with sustainable and affordable gift ideas. These ideas will save you money, eliminate wrapping, and bring your family and loved ones a little closer.

Here are some ways around your house that you can do to help the environment:

  • Buy a fake Christmas tree or a potted Christmas tree.

  • Use LED Christmas lights on your tree.

  • DON’T put up Christmas lights outside. It is bad for migratory birds and nocturnal hunters. If you do put them up, please keep them on for a short time each night (1 hour is best) and not all night long. Christmas lights affects birds of prey that hunt at night and also the migration of birds. I never leave lights on outside my house and the owls hunt weekly from my rooftop.

  • Leave your leaves in your yard. DON’T rake up! Many animals use leaves for their nests and burrows. Leaves are also helpful for healthy soil.

  • Donate your old clothes. Don’t throw your clothes in the trash. Donate them to a shelter or thrift store.

  • Skip the Christmas cards! Send your friends and family an email or text instead. Save yourself the money. You can get creative in apps like Pic Collage that can help you personalize your Christmas message.

  • If you need ornaments, make them yourself! You can use yarn, beads, or any material of your choice and get creative.

  • Avoid flying and keep your driving at a minimum. Keep your trips in your car and in a plane to a minimum to reduce your carbon footprint. If you can get in your car as less as possible, it makes a difference.

  • Use reusable boxes for gifts instead of wrapping presents.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We can all make a difference!

Christmas is a magical time, but we also have to think of our impact on the environment. A lot can be adjusted to minimize our impact, most of which is just for our enjoyment such as exterior Christmas lights. Christmas isn’t lost if lights aren’t on a house. What you will gain from leaving the lights off will be far better like owls or hawks that will choose your house as a safe haven from the brightness. Your wallet will also thank you!

I want my children and future generations to enjoy this beautiful earth and if that means cutting back a bit, I will gladly.

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